Regional implementation team: PCAF LAC

PCAF Latin America & the Caribbean

The PCAF Latin America & the Caribbean (PCAF LAC) team covers all financial institutions with headquarters in Latin America & the Caribbean that have joined PCAF. The team is led by a regional chair, Mr. David A. Grey, Head of Sustainability and Communications at Banco Pichincha and member of PCAF's Core Team.

Mr. Grey is a prominent leader in the climate finance realm in Ecuador and Latin America. He leads the Sustainable Finance Committee of Ecuador's Banking Association  (ASOBANCA) and has been instrumental in promoting environmental and social responsibility in the financial industry across the region. 

The PCAF LAC team enables peer-to-peer collaboration to share experiences and lessons learned among its members regarding the implementation of GHG accounting methods in their portfolios. Team members will adopt the Global GHG Accounting and Reporting Standard and eventually develop bespoke local guides to facilitate application in different national contexts. 

By measuring emissions financed by their loans and investments, the PCAF LAC team takes the first step required to assess climate-related risks, set targets in line with the Paris Climate Agreement and develop effective strategies to decarbonize our society.

As the group grows and gains experience, national teams are also encouraged to be formed. 

If your financial institution is interested in joining the PCAF LAC team, please contact the PCAF Secretariat.

PCAF Latin America and the Caribbean Webinar: Medición del impacto climático de los bancos para facilitar el alineamiento de carteras con el acuerdo de París

Download the slides

Below you can watch a recording of the webinar held on 28 April 2020.

PCAF Brazil

The PCAF Brazil team was founded in April of 2024 and aims to embrace and strengthen the global PCAF effort by bringing together Brazilian financial institutions to collaboratively meet the challenges in measuring and reporting emissions related to loans and investments in a Brazilian context. It consists of all financial institutions with headquarters in Brazil that participate in PCAF. By measuring emissions financed by their loans and investments, the PCAF Brazil team takes the first step required to develop effective strategies to decarbonize our society.

As of April 2024, PCAF Brazil consists of 13 financial institutions, representing over $86 trillion in financial assets. The team is co-chaired by Rafael Martins de Oliveira, ESG Coordinator at Itaú Unibanco and member of the PCAF Core Team, and by Júlia Araújo Fideles, ESG Analyst at Banco Bradesco.  The PCAF Secretariat national lead for Brazil is Madalena Martins.